The Blog Talker: The Blog About Blogging

The Blog Talker examines the art and craft of blogging, as well as interesting blogs across the Internet.

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Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

I am a woman. I am a sister, a daughter, and a friend. I am an artist, a writer, a musician, and an activist. I am always a work in progress.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Changing Face of MySpace

The log-in screen and home pages of MySpace have changed -- the look is a little cleaner, and navigation is a bit easier. I still find sometimes there are delays when I am trying to public a blog post, or I get an "unexpected error" when I try to update something or reach another page -- generally I just hit the "back" button on my navigation and try again. Sometimes I end up with double blog posts as a result, but that is what the "Delete" function is for. However, I am really surprised that after being around for so long, MySpace still can be slow (I am assuming because of servers being taxed to the max with so many people on the system). I do appreciate the regular blogs that "Tom" writes, informing everyone of what is going on behind the scenes when technical upgrades are happening.



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