The Blog Talker: The Blog About Blogging

The Blog Talker examines the art and craft of blogging, as well as interesting blogs across the Internet.

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Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

I am a woman. I am a sister, a daughter, and a friend. I am an artist, a writer, a musician, and an activist. I am always a work in progress.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Why Do We Blog?

Why do we blog? Is it a narcissistic, exhibitionist desire to put our lives out there for strangers to read? Is it a desire to compile information about hobbies, work, dreams, in one place? To log interesting websites that we, in our infinite wisdom, believe others should read?

Why do we blog? Please leave your comments, and a link to your own blog if you have one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

why do MOST PEOPLE blog?

To feel people are interested in their own lives.. To be able to share their own experiences. To build up their presence, in the same way people would do with clothes, or decorating their house.
Bottom line: To feel loved.

why do i blog?
three reasons
1. the stuff above
2. i have problems shining my true self, so the blog really helps me do that safely.
3. well, i used to write a diary on paper... and so, why not transfer it onto the internet, and let people who I trust read it.


12:23 PM, January 22, 2006  

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